• Question: How did you feel when you saved a persons life

    Asked by anon-189445 to Yousef, Michael on 14 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Mike Ambler

      Mike Ambler answered on 14 Nov 2018: last edited 14 Nov 2018 2:50 pm

      Hi Issy, it feels fantastic when somebody survives when they seemed like they would die. It is usually a big team effort with lots of people involved and it is what makes the job worth all the hard work, night shifts and exams!

      It can also be satisfying to have looked after people who do not survive, especially if they and their families have been helped to come to terms with what is happening, and the patient has been comfortable and at peace. Ensuring a comfortable, dignified and peaceful death is just as important for any healthcare professional as saving lives is.
