• Question: Why does Red Bull or Monster have more energy than Coke, even though they both have caffeine?

    Asked by anon-189158 to Yousef, Rachel, Petrina, Michael, Jason, Emma on 9 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Rachel Sharman

      Rachel Sharman answered on 9 Nov 2018:

      Hi, great user name!

      Secret sources of caffeine is one of the lessons in the teensleep sleep lessons that our test schools taught! Did you know most cold and flu tablets contain caffeine? Coco Pops for breakfast, yup, caffeine from the chocolate!

      Energy drinks are full of sugar (and other compounds) which is what gives our body energy. The caffeine in these drinks is what makes us feel super alert.

      Red Bull and Monster contain A LOT of caffeine. A can of Monster contains 170mg of caffeine. Adolescents are recommended to have no more than 100mg a day! A Grande Starbucks Americano is 225mg. Thats almost the max amount of caffeine for an adult (300-400mg).

      Coke has 34mg per can. I always find the sneakiest one is Pepsi Max which was actually the original energy drink has 43mg!

      Caffeine informer is a great website for looking at the amount of caffeine in different foods and drinks. How much caffeine do you usually drink each day?
